In the field of public sector labor law, we are general counsel to the Police Conference of New York, Inc., Endicott Police Benevolent Association, Glens Falls Police Benevolent Association, Gloversville Police Benevolent Association, Charles W. Soule Police Benevolent Association, Ilion Police Benevolent Association, Liberty Police Benevolent Association, Niagara Falls Captains and Lieutenants Association, Rome S Philip S. McDonald Police Benevolent Association and the Sullivan County Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.
In our personal injury practice, our client are, of course, individuals and estates. Representative results on some recent cases include the following:
- $750,000 pre-discovery settlement for a police officer in a GML 205-e case (premises liability).
- $1.35 million settlement in a medical malpractice case involving a radical nephrectomy.
- $300,000 trial verdict in a traumatic brain injury case against a big-box retail store.
- $300,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case involving failure to diagnose a fractured hip.
- $800,000 awarded in a SUM arbitration for a police officer injured in an on-duty accident.
- $250,000 awarded in arbitration of a motorcycle/automobile accident case.
- $485,000 verdict in a construction site accident case.
- Many MDL settlements involving IUDs, tampons, Mirapex, IVC filters and artificial hips.

In the commercial field, our clients are LLC's, business corporations, not for profit corporations, partnerships and individuals involved as plaintiffs or defendants in commercial disputes. Representative results include the following:
- Favorable Arbitration award involving a contested medical LLC dissolution
- Summary judgment dismissing a claim of an oral partnership agreement to develop a major piece of waterfront real estate.
- Summary judgment dismissing a claim of ownership to a major piece of commercial property based on adverse possession.
- A $900,000 recovery in an admiralty proceeding against a tug boat company for damage to a bridge.
- $2.65 million settlement in insurance company disclaimer action.
- $2.2 million+ settlement of a minority shareholder oppression suit.

In employment and civil rights litigation, our clients are usually female plaintiffs in Title VII sexual harassment claims and individual police officers as defendants in §1983 claims alleging excess force, false arrest, assault & battery, etc. Representative results include:
- $250,000 settlement before discovery in a sexual harassment suit by a female police officer against her department.
- $235,000 settlement before trial in a sexual harassment suit by a college professor against a community college.
- $150,000 pre-discovery settlement in a private sector employee’s suit for sexual harassment against her private employer.
- 100,000 settlement in a female police officer’s claim of sexual harassment against her department.
- Numerous trial verdicts, summary judgment orders and appeals dismissing claims of false arrest, excess force, etc. against police officers in state and federal courts.